State law requires all filers to submit the Statement of Economic Interest electronically on this web site.
RETURNING FILERS - Click here if you have filed an electronic Statement of Economic Interest before. (You can retrieve your own USER NAME and reset your PASSWORD.)
NEW FILERS - Click here if you have never before filed an electronic Statement of Economic Interest.
SEARCH Statements of Economic Interest
CANDIDATES FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICE must file the Statement of Economic Interest no later than February 15, 2025. The qualifying deadline is January 31 (Sections 23-15-309 and 23-15-361), and candidates must file "within fifteen (15) days after the deadline for qualification." (Section 25-4-29(1)(b))
What is the Statement of Economic Interest?
The Statement of Economic Interest is a financial disclosure form filed annually by certain elected and appointed officials in state and local government. It is intended to disclose the sources of a public servant’s income so that members of the public know where a public servant’s personal financial interests lie. It does not disclose the amount of income a public servant receives. The Statement of Economic Interest promotes compliance with the Ethics in Government Law disclosing potential conflicts of interest. All information disclosed is for the previous calendar year.
Who must file the Statement of Economic Interest?
1. All elected officials (except federal) whether it be statewide, district, county, municipal or any other political subdivision (except members of boards of levee commissioners and election commissioners) 2. All school board members, whether elected or appointed 3. Candidates for elected office 4. Persons appointed to fill a vacancy in an elected office 5. Executive directors or heads of state agencies, by whatever name they are designated, who are paid in part or in whole, directly or indirectly, from funds appropriated or authorized to be expended by the Legislature 6. Presidents and trustees of all state-supported colleges, universities and junior colleges 7. Members of any state board, commission or agency, including the Mississippi Ethics Commission, charged with the administration or expenditure of public funds (except advisory boards or commissions) 8. Executive directors or board members of certain economic development entities (EDDs, REDAs, CDCs, Industrial Council) and airport authorities
When must the Statement of Economic Interest be filed?
Incumbents must file every year on or before May 1st. Persons appointed to office must file within 30 days of appointment. Candidates must file within 15 days after the deadline for qualification for public office. No one ever has to file more than once in a year, but you may need to supplement a form you have already filed. In that event, you must contact the Ethics Commission and get permission to supplement your filing.
What information must be listed on the Statement of Economic Interest?
The statement must include the following information for the preceding calendar year: (a) The full name and mailing address of the filer; (b) The filer’s title, position and offices in government; (c) All other occupations of the filer, the filer’s spouse or any person over the age of twenty-one (21) who resided in the filer’s household during the entire preceding calendar year; (d) The names and addresses of all businesses in which the filer, the filer’s spouse or any person over the age of twenty-one (21) who resided in the filer’s household during the entire preceding calendar year held a position, and the name of the position, if the person: (i) Receives more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) per year in income from the business; (ii) Owns ten percent (10%) or more of the fair market value in the business; (iii) Owns an ownership interest in the business, the fair market value of which exceeds Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00); or (iv) Is an employee, director or officer of the business; (e) The identity of the person represented and the nature of the business involved in any representation or intervention for compensation for any person or business before any authority of state or local government, excluding the courts, on any matter other than uncontested or routine matters. (Applies only to (1) an elected official, (2) an executive director or head of a state agency or (3) a president or trustee of a state-supported college, university or community or junior college, including members of the State Board for Community and Junior Colleges and the State Board of Institutions of Higher Learning.) (f) All public bodies, whether federal, state or local government, from which the filer, the filer’s spouse or any person over the age of twenty-one (21) who resided in the filer’s household during the entire preceding calendar year received compensation in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) during the preceding calendar year, whether the compensation was paid directly or indirectly through another person or business.
What are the penalties for failing to file or disclose required information?
Anyone who fails to file within one year of the applicable deadline or who knowingly fails to disclose required information is guilty of a crime and can be fined up to $10,000. If you file but realize later that you forgot to disclose some information, you must contact the Ethics Commission and get permission to supplement your filing.
How do I file online if I have no access to the Internet or no Miss. drivers license?
If you have no access to the Internet in your home or your workplace and no public Internet terminal within five (5) miles of your residence or if you do not have a valid Mississippi drivers license, you can apply to the Ethics Commission to submit your Statement of Economic Interest on paper. Contact the Ethics Commission for more information.
Blind Trust Requirements
Any public servant who has a blind trust must meet special disclosure requirements. The trustee of the blind trust must also perform certain duties. Click here to read the Blind Trust Section of the Ethics in Government Law.
Annual Statement of Trustee of Blind Trust